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[FFmpeg-devel] configure: improve logic and checks for nvenc

Message ID 20160830110040.31400-1-timo@rothenpieler.org
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Commit Message

Timo Rothenpieler Aug. 30, 2016, 11 a.m. UTC
 configure | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff mbox


diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 52931c3..bcfc9a8 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -5992,20 +5992,33 @@  enabled vdpau && enabled xlib &&
     check_lib2 "vdpau/vdpau.h vdpau/vdpau_x11.h" vdp_device_create_x11 -lvdpau &&
     enable vdpau_x11
-case $target_os in
-    mingw32*|mingw64*|win32|win64|linux|cygwin*)
-        disabled nvenc || enable nvenc
-        ;;
-    *)
-        disable nvenc
-        ;;
-if enabled nvenc; then
+if ! enabled x86; then
+    enabled nvenc && die "NVENC is only supported on x86"
+    disable nvenc
+elif ! disabled nvenc; then
         echo '#include "compat/nvenc/nvEncodeAPI.h"'
-        echo 'int main(void) { return 0; }'
-    } | check_cc -I$source_path || disable nvenc
+        echo 'NV_ENCODE_API_FUNCTION_LIST flist;'
+        echo 'void f(void) { struct { const GUID guid; } s[] = { { NV_ENC_PRESET_HQ_GUID } }; }'
+        echo 'int main(void) { f(); return 0; }'
+    } | check_cc -I$source_path
+    nvenc_check_res=$?
+    if [ $nvenc_check_res != 0 ] && enabled nvenc; then
+        die "NVENC enabled but test-compile failed"
+    fi
+    case $target_os in
+        mingw32*|mingw64*|win32|win64|linux|cygwin*)
+            [ $nvenc_check_res = 0 ] && enable nvenc
+            ;;
+        *)
+            enabled nvenc && die "NVENC is only supported on Windows and Linux"
+            disable nvenc
+            ;;
+    esac
+    unset nvenc_check_res
 # Funny iconv installations are not unusual, so check it after all flags have been set